Friday, May 11, 2007

Time for more posts?

OK, if I'm going to do this blog thing, I need to really start doing it. Especially since some one actually has a link to my blog! Exciting, and scary, to think that someone it actually interested in what I have to say! We'll see what happens. Today is the day that I officially start writing my PhD dissertation. I have one chapter finished, but I still have tons to write. A thesis introduction and two more data chapters. Hopefully it will go quickly once I get back into writing grove. And hopefully I won't get do distracted by our impending move. Yes, that's right. With only a couple of months left in my degree program, shortly before we plan to leave this glorious state behind, we have to move. We were notified yesterday that our crappy apartment is now a luxury condo, and we either have to buy it (yeah, right) or move out by the end of June. So what can we do? Anyone know of a nice but cheap place to live in our fair city?

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